Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday September 20, 2010

Journal Entry #14: You have been chosen to travel to a newly discovered planet to represent Earth to the inhabitants there. You must choose three items to take with you as gifts. Describe each item and explain why you selected it. This should be one page in length.
Today's Entry as a Five-Paragraph Essay
1st Paragraph: Explain your mission and list your gifts.
2nd Paragraph: Describe and explain the first gift.
3rd Paragraph: Describe and explain the second gift.
4th Paragraph: Describe and explain the third gift.
5th Paragraph: Conclude by either restating your goals, hopes, excitement, or giving some final words of wisdom.
Classwork: Share journal entries; Conjunction Quiz – F.A.N.B.O.Y.S.
Homework: None.

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